
  • The Performance

    The Performance

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, blue, brown, red, vibrant
    Unnamed Forty One — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    When I first began to seriously shoot black and white in University, my parents gave me the three Ansel Adams books – The Camera, The Negative and The Print. In them Ansel says something like the negative is the musical score and the print is the performance. Many years later I saw a video of Ansel printing in his darkroom. Up until then I imagined he projected downward then dodged and burned with tools of some kind. But in the video you can see he projects horizontally onto the paper and literally stands… or dances in front of the projection, using his body – and other items to block the light while he dodges and burns the print. What a revelation.

    I was trying to fall asleep the other night with my mind racing and eventually thought about this idea of score and performance. For me the print is not the performance. It was, perhaps when I first began in the darkroom, but I came to realize it would take me a lifetime of practice in the darkroom to attain the consistent results I sought. I wanted precise repeatable control over my “performance” and I got that in 1995 when I bought my first computer to work digitally. That too was a revelation and that’s when the file became my performance.

    Since then I complete my work entirely within the computer and the print is really just a recording of that performance – true this recording can change and improve somewhat over time as new inks, papers, software and printers arrive but the essence of that performance remains the same even with these updates.

  • Something Interesting

    Something Interesting

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, blue, orange, red, vibrant
    Unnamed Forty — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    There’s an element of chance or accident to what I do that I welcome and embrace. I’ll have an idea for a project and work out the parameters and methodology to execute it, but during the execution I’m open to chance and accidental happenings that might lead to something interesting I hadn’t envisioned or thought to try. Like perhaps some equipment failure or slippage that causes the perspective to shift. In the end it becomes part of the development of the project and usually leads to good results.

  • Shadows On Our Eyes

    Shadows On Our Eyes

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, brown, blue, yellow, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty Nine — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    As with all the other things I do, when I make images I don’t think too much while I do it – or maybe I adopt a benign neglect as I perform it and perhaps that helps the images work out. The problems begin, for me at least, when I think about what I’m doing while I do it. Thinking clutters the process, interferes and causes hesitation.

    Although I do spend a lot of time thinking about and analyzing what I’m doing – I do that separately, afterward – not while I’m working. Photography is an intuitive process tied to opportunity – has to be.

  • Memory – Of The Moment

    Memory – Of The Moment

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, green, blue, mauve, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty Eight — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    I find it really difficult to keep my perspective – I’m perpetually in the moment, so it’s really difficult to see growth and change. It’s good to be in the moment for creativity but it leads me to despair when I can’t see improvement – which by definition being in the moment won’t allow.

    This issue is tightly bound with memory – which for me at least, photographs are a powerful key for. It’s chicken and egg – which comes first. Am I in the moment because I lack memory or is it being in the moment prevents me from properly creating memory. Whichever, I have real problems remembering specifics of the past except in a general kind of large scale sense.

    Am I using photography as a crutch for deficient memory?

  • Still Struggling Along

    Still Struggling Along

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, orange, blue, green, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty Seven — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    That about sums it up – nothing special, just struggling along. It’s what we’re all doing.

  • Funky Feeling

    Funky Feeling

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, green, mauve, brown, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty Six — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    I was feeling a little bored with this series but yesterday while completing some images I felt renewed interest. It seemed less of a struggle to get what I want which felt good – so I’m continuing on. Surprisingly I’ve shot a lot of material so far – 2000 source images – so lots of material to work with.

  • Bike Clamped Camera

    Bike Clamped Camera

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, red, brown, pink, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty Five — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    Lately I’ve had several people stop and ask me about the somewhat crazy looking rig I’ve got clamped to my bike for making these images – even in traffic while riding. It always surprises me that anyone would notice but how could you miss it, I suppose. It’s a large black camera with a hefty lens perched on top of the steering post of my bike with a remote trigger strapped near my right hand.

    Often I do stuff that seems logical to me and don’t even think about it until someone else points it out and that’s when I realize just how unusual it is.

  • Vehicle or Art Form

    Vehicle or Art Form

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, red, blue, brown, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty Four — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    When I first began thinking about this post I thought I had a clear argument, but now as I write it – not so sure. In this year’s Toronto Contact Photography Festival catalogue it seems a lot of the publicized exhibitions are photography as a vehicle to express a concept rather than photography as an art form. I’ve never been a great fan of photography as a means to express a non-photographic concept, I prefer photography as a means to express a visual idea – like landscape, portraiture, abstraction etc.

    But here’s where my argument breaks – and I’m guilty of doing this myself since all my abstract work is really at it’s heart the exploration of emotion – which is a concept not a visual idea, oops. Perhaps the prevalence of photography as vehicle has arisen due to the explosion of quality imagery expressing visual ideas – so now it’s a more popular avenue to explore. Perhaps we’re beating the visual idea thing to death and are merely refining and tweaking the long explored precepts – iterating with each new generation of photographers… or maybe I’m just jaded.

    Either way I’m trying to think of some new idea to explore photography as an art form, but – I’m afraid all I’ll be doing is iterating and refining an already well defined idea.

  • Loosen Up

    Loosen Up

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, yellow, orange, red, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty Three — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    I spend so much time wrapped up in my own mind trying to work out what to say with my images I forget it’s not really necessary to do this. What I do photographically is what comes intuitively – as it should be, so it naturally embodies my own voice.

    Looking back at past work I see the roots and thread of my thoughts have been consistent all this time. That’s comforting in a relax my tight mental grip kind of way.

  • Motivation


    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, green, brown, blue, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty Two — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    I recently read some advice – sort of, from 5 different artists. Sort of, as in not all of them were necessarily spoken by the artist but perhaps gleaned from their work and statements. Reading the lessons made me happy and calm. They’re mostly things that I already think and do. Which means I’m on the right track – what a relief.

    Things like – don’t copy others, embrace discomfort and always push yourself, understand your materials, dig deep, hungrily and closely observe the world around you, organization is key to productivity, don’t sweat mistakes – learn from them, pay no attention to trends – be yourself, express your inner world, inject rhythm into your painting – like a musical score and my favorite – by creating original work you will further the cause of humanity.

    These are lessons from artists Andy Goldsworthy, Georgia O’Keeffe, Wassily Kandinsky and others – so they’re relevant.

  • Visual Cortex

    Visual Cortex

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, red, green, blue, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty One — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    Still not entirely certain where my ideas or reasons for making this work come from, although I wonder if some of this might resemble some raw internal visual input. Perhaps this is akin to the raw signal from our optic nerve before processing and assembly in our visual cortex into something more recognizable… or ignorable.

  • Work Continues

    Work Continues

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, blue, orange, turquoise, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)
  • Convergent Is Up

    Convergent Is Up

    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, blue, red, brown, vibrant
    Unnamed Twenty Nine, 2018 — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    The Convergent series is up on my site — (click here to have a look) – which includes a new group of previously unpublished images!

    I’ve got a lot of work ahead preparing all the Convergent image files for printing but feels good to have the series complete and out in the world.

  • Cyclone


    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • Gale Force Wind

    Gale Force Wind

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • Dust Storm

    Dust Storm

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • Monsoon


    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10