I’ve been thinking about my latest project. It examines the light signature of our existence – the signs of our passing.
Since the beginning I’ve been focused on photographing events – moments. I got good at waiting patiently for the world to unfold around me, to keep my eyes open for indications that something was about to happen. Not all events are equally interesting or important and not all the images I made were as interesting as I wanted.
At some point I decided to explore the fundamental elements of the events – to look at their inner workings – time, movement, colour, shape. I imagine this is similar to the actions of a cosmologist. They observe the light from events long past in search of other species, places, cosmic events and origins of our universe. This is essentially what I’m doing – searching for an explanation, only from a much shorter distance and on a significantly smaller scale.
I am searching the light signature of our/my actions. I want to know my place in the cosmos.
It is interesting to note the impossibility of an impartial observation. By necessity everything I photograph is centred around me and hence at some level I am part of the interaction – part of the event – a fundamental element.
Just what part of me am I examining in this process?
Oh what great achievements have you and I wrought together here?
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