Attached my camera to my new bike and thus ended the shooting hiatus.
Back to gathering new material for convergent.
Tag: camera
Testing Testing
Finally managed to create a virtual mockup template in the free 3D rendering program Blender – after much reading, trying and youtube watching. So now I can preview the image deconstruction and correct problems before committing to the OMG massive effort and expense of making one in resin or even mocking one up with clear film and foamcore and then failing from something fixable – don’t think I could handle the heartbreak of failing after so much effort.
But there’s something up with the layer alpha channels I haven’t been able to solve, which means no proper dynamic view in the preview window without a render – drat another setback. So next step is figure out how to render an animated camera move so we can see the layers juxtapose each other from different perspectives – which is the whole point of this 3D exercise – test the layers before printing/resining.
Then 3D layer tests here we come… aaaand then resin – soon.
Can’t wait. It’s been a long road but it’s not quite over yet. -
Slight Problem
For the first time ever, I dropped my camera – yesterday… and cried. So far the camera body seems okay but the lens is another matter.
So I’m back to shooting with the pinhole in the meantime – which isn’t a bad thing. But what a stupid move.
Also managed to finish up the layered transparent test print late last week which feels good but has revealed some interesting things. I’ll have to reconsider how I’m breaking the image into layers so I don’t get cutouts on layers above and also use larger defined strokes – small strokes look odd.