Tag: depression

  • Absolutes


    Light Signatures series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, yellow, red, blue, muted, streaks, patterns
    Lines On Brown Red Green Yellow, 2013 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)

    Lately I’ve been thinking about my life in absolute terms. There was a time when I simply glided through life without much thought about where I was going or what I was doing. I took the easy route. Then about 20 years ago I took stock, realized I didn’t like where I was heading and made some drastic changes to my life. I worked out some specific goals – which I confess at the time I naively envisioned would unfurl more quickly and differently than they have. For most of this time I’ve been deeply engrossed in and focused on these goals/dreams pretty much to the exclusion of all else – okay, an exaggeration – much other important stuff has happened along the way to shift my focus – not all of it voluntary.

    Lately, I’m taking stock from a different perspective. Perhaps I’m thinking this because my age is weighing heavily on me – a mental weight only not a physical one… at the moment (knock on wood). I’m realizing, when you get right down to the essence of our lives all we really have is our selves, our associations and our actions. By our selves I mean our internal state and physical health, by associations I mean family and friends and by actions I mean things that we do or make and the legacies we leave behind.

    Everything else – literally everything can be classified as dross or detritus. All the hyper-activity of our lives, all the lust for goods and much of the anguish is simply excess filling the gaps. When I take stock like this, at first I feel an elated calm as I see how simple and uncomplicated my life truly is – that I can “let go”of much of my concern and upset. But then I feel immensely sad. No sad isn’t quite right – I feel a great aching emptiness within me – an angst – a dejected sorrow that feels way too close to the inescapable black hole of depression – and that scares the shit out of me. Once sucked into that downward spiral there’s no way out. I think / I hope, I feel this aching absence only because I feel directionless without the goals that have driven my life for so long now.

    For too long I’ve been filling the gaps with useless trash and other people’s hype. I’ve glossed over the emptiness inside me – tried to patch it with other goals and other activities. I’ve over-done it in my fervor and eroded the true essence of my life. I’m torn in too many directions – I’m stressing out. I’ve ignored myself, my friends, my family and my legacy. I need to turn my gaze back to the absolute pillars of my life and disregard the nattering gap fillers. I need to clear the clutter.

    I’ve got some serious housekeeping to do.


    PS: Having written this I’m feeling a calm clarity of purpose I haven’t felt in a long time. I was really afraid I was sinking into a depression but now I don’t think so. Good news.

  • Don’t Worry So Much – Focus

    I have a tendency toward impatience for change. I have a clear goal visualized in my head and expect it to happen essentially immediately. Yeah, I know just how immature this is – its an emotional issue. Intellectually I know this is ridiculous and impossible, but emotionally, I want it now! wah!

    The thing is, I can usually keep this in check – that is usually – until I am fatigued then my emotional side quite readily gets the better of me. And when it does I tend toward depression that all my dreams are not coming to completion IMMEDIATELY.

    I recognize that everything takes time to unfold, that its the journey not the destination and anything worth doing will be difficult. And typically these concepts are not a problem for me – indeed I rise to greet their challenge with excitement and vigor. But when I’m low, I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders so crushingly that I almost can’t function – it’s brutal.

    I have to constantly remind myself not to run myself down, to get enough rest and to pace myself, but I’m rambunctious by nature and easily excited by the possibilities of everything I lay my mind to. When I’m able to harness that excitement for useful projects its amazing what I can achieve in a short time but when that excitement blares away like an untended fire hose, it flies around knocking other things over wasting precious energy while flailing about at nothing in particular.

    Focus – is what I’m gradually – glacially – learning as I grow older and hopefully more mature, so I can direct the fire hose of excitement in my mind with useful intent. The ability to keep my attention trained on a single particular goal – not just any particular goal, but a mental committee, carefully considered, stamped with approval, designated, grade A goal – one that I’ve decided is worth committing time and effort to. Sure I can concentrate on single goals at any given time – its just that I don’t want to waste my precious life concentrating my efforts on pointless tasks or ideas.

    The difficulty I have is self doubt as I’m focused on a task. For example, is this task REALLY the one I want to dedicate myself to? Is this task the one I SHOULD be concentrating on first vs that other task I also decided to do? These are the self-doubts and self-flagellation I endure while working focused on something – usually during a particularly onerous segment or when I would really rather be elsewhere. I suppose one could argue that having these thoughts in the midst of a task signifies a certain LACK of focus and I suppose that’s true. Well that’s just one more thing I have to learn on my long road to maturity.

    Ah well, here’s to keeping focused ,which hopefully results in great accomplishment.