Tag: fly

  • Anima


    Convergent series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, blue, muted, wedges, shape
    Dust Storm, 2015 – Convergent :: (click to see more)

    Got the fly around working so now I can fully see how each of the layers are interacting and correct problems before I go to print and build.

    Here’s the first successful flyover animation that gives a realistic sense of what the Light Signature pieces will look like once completed. At last I’m ready to begin building the prototype. Now to select which image.

    Blue Horizon Animation, 2015 – Light Signatures

    [for optimum viewing – click the settings gear during playback, select speed 0.5, quality 480p – or click image below for a new window]

    Light Signatures - Blue Horizon animation, 2015 by william oldacre
    Blue Horizon Animation, 2015 – Light Signatures :: (click to open in window)