Tag: form

  • New and Improved

    New and Improved

    Convergent series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, brown, green, red, vibrant, wedge, shape
    Offshore Breeze, 2016 — Convergent :: (click to see more)

    Took the summer off to renovate our upstairs apartment and well, a ton of other stuff too it seems. But right before I began that lengthy project my resin and face mounted acrylic were delivered. So all the bits sat here ready gathering dust.

    In the meantime my mould form was busted up and while cleaning and rebuilding it for round two, it dawned on me that it would just be easier to make a new and improved version. So I did and with any luck this new better designed mould form will make the build process faster and easier.

    Also had some interesting conversations about unique art pieces. They forced me to revise my thinking about these Light Signature sculptures I’m building. All this time I was viewing this as a production process – a means to present the images in a repeatable way. Now I think the opposite – this is a separate process that will result in individual unique pieces. This has freed me to consider all kinds of possibilities.

    In a lateral thinking move resulting from this insight, I believe I might be wrong about making these pieces so they build up from an illuminated backlit plane. Perhaps it will be better to make them so they are simply a clear block encapsulating wispy layers of colour –  so they can be viewed from all sides vs front side only. I’m imagining this will make the final piece much more ethereal and dreamy but also means it can be installed virtually anywhere – illuminated by it’s ambient surround.

    I’ll might still build the first one with an illuminated backlit plane but for sure the one after that will be completely transparent with encapsulated wisps. Cool. Can’t wait.

    Mould Building #23
  • Big Time

    Big Time

    Convergent series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, red, blue, yellow, vibrant, wedge, shape
    Ball Lightning, 2016 — Convergent :: (click to see more)

    At long last I’m actually ready to pour the resin. Everything is levelled out so the resin will flow evenly. Got a way to clamp the form closed and another way to seal up the seams so resin doesn’t drain out the cracks plus another way to roll out the print layers so bubbles don’t get trapped underneath. Hopefully the form is sufficiently slippery that it releases from the hardened resin. That would wreck everything if it doesn’t.

    Crossing my fingers – big time.

    Mould Building #6
    Mould Building #7
  • Continuing On

    Continuing On

    Convergent series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, blue, green, red, orange, vibrant, wedge, shape
    Low Pressure Trough, 2016 — Convergent :: (click to see more)

    I’ve reassembled the plexi resin form and am continuing to add the plywood side supports  – order more resin and let the pouring begin. Hopefully with no bubbles or any other weird anomolies. I think this time around the form is less delicate – mostly due to an inelegant liberal slathering of glue at the corner joints. Looks ugly but hopefully it’s structurally strong.

    mould building #5
  • Movement Form and Colour

    Movement Form and Colour

    Convergent series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, green, blue, orange, yellow, muted, wedge, shape
    Unstable Air, 2015 – Convergent :: (click to see more)

    When people ask what I photograph, I usually launch into a long involved explanation – how what I’m doing evolved from who I am. But… judging from the glazed looks on peoples faces, that’s not working. So here goes another somewhat shorter attempt.

    When I moved to Toronto I began looking for a new way to document the city. I decided to concentrate on the dynamism and movement symbolic of a city coupled with the underlying structure – the form and colours.

    And that’s what I’m still doing, abstract expressionistic images of the city – movement, form and colour.

  • Ultimate Destination

    Ultimate Destination

    Convergent series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, orange, red, brown, muted, smear, streaks, shape
    Hot West Wind, 2015 – Convergent :: (click to see more)

    Weather has been pretty cold here for the past while and I’m finding my camera is freezing up during my ride. Nothing I didn’t expect but still a little disappointing to not be able to collect images on some of the bright sunny clear days we’ve had. I’ve added it to the disappointment of not being able to use my wiggly lens – the one I dropped – and the flexible lighting conditions if facilitated.

    Still, I’m intrigued with how the city shapes that arise during my movement have become ghostly – disembodied and disengaged from the ground – they’ve become gestural, dreamlike and washed out. This feels like a logical conclusion or perhaps the ultimate destination of this photographic exploration and makes sense that the images have evolved to this point. They clearly show the shapes of the city devoid of any distraction – my goal, as always.