Ground Fog, 2016 — Convergent :: (click to see more)
Been thinking about what to do next. After my summer hiatus, feels as though I’ve finished capturing new material for convergent. The raw material was becoming repetitive and I’d need to adjust my approach to continue along this path.
I’ve got to contemplate my perspective and the underlying reasons I make images. Time and movement – and how they interact in this environment. At the moment nothing is sticking but we’ll see – I’ll figure something out.
Still excited by the clear lozenge of wispy colours – Light Signatures images and am moving forward with the non-backlit version. I know I did say I’d make a clear one AFTER the backlit version but on further reflection a clear lozenge was my original vision.
I have important images from earlier in my career of ideas and people that don’t fit my current interest in movement and that I haven’t presented – so here they are.
Almost completed the layering first stage for the prototype volumetric Light Signatures image – Glossy Orange Green Blue Candy Layers. So hopefully next week I’ll have a render to show and with any luck it’ll look half decent.
Miami Boat Wake, 1992 | 2011 – A Priori :: (click to see more)Kim, 1985 – Portraiture :: (click to see more)
4700 source images
124 completed images
37 final images
3 years
all while riding my bike in Toronto.
And now to complete the volumetric, three dimensional, glowing, lozenge, prototype print – so I can show you how they will look printed in the real world.
Draped Yellow Green Over Pink, 2013 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)
Been working on the book today – sounds ominous calling it “the book” but there you go. It’s actually a touch more difficult than I thought it would be but mostly the hard part is editing which images to include and then constructing a narrative that makes sense. Feels like I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to this so I’m completely relying on intuition.
The design and layout are pretty firmly formed in my mind so now that I have a first cut of the images and narrative I’ve actually slammed it together quickly just so I can get a feel for the flow.
Also did more research into the resin work and discovered that I’m going to have to use polyester resin instead of epoxy resin. Epoxy resin has a slight yellow colour tint to it that with thicker pours will become too dense. No problem right? Yep – polyester resin produces massive amounts of VOC’s (carcinogenic volatile organic compounds) – cancer causing smells to you and me. Not going to work in my studio or anywhere in this building that’s for sure. This is a serious problem. I currently don’t have the ability to rent a separate space and neither can I create some kind of franken-ventilation setup here in my studio.
Going to have to contemplate this for a bit and see if I can’t temporarily borrow some space or maybe even do some resin tests outside. Ah well.
You know what they say about progress – 2 forward 1 back.