For a great many years I sought validation of my photographs. I looked for it first from my mother and family but as time went on and to a lesser extent each time I exhibited – I was hoping for a good reaction to what I had done. I can safely say that’s no longer the case. I’ve finally come to terms with my insecurities (at least where my art is concerned, ha!) and can accept what I’ve done is decent.
I realize now, the true issue all along was not validation but viability – can I make a living as an artist? I recently read an interesting post about the difference between an artist and a photographer – one that I agree with. It boils down to this – an artist has an opinion.
As I’ve been doing now in this blog since July/2011 and even as I was doing for some time before that in personal writings, combined with a ton of navel gazing – I’ve slowly built up – or perhaps a better description would be – slowly revealed my opinion(s). I’ve come to… identify, for want of a better term – what it is exactly I am doing and why.
Its been difficult for me to do this, but rewarding. I feel much more at ease about what I do, how I do it, why I do it and even when I do it.
I guess in a way, you could say I’ve come to accept myself.