“Motion is the most fundamental observation about nature at large. It turns out that everything that happens in the universe is some type of motion. There are no exceptions. The study of motion was given the name physics in the fifth century BCE in Ancient Greece.” I’ve begun reading an interesting series of books about physics called Motion Mountain and this is one of the first things they discuss in volume one as they build one premise on another.
Perhaps this explains my creative interest in movement.
I was feeling a little bored with this series but yesterday while completing some images I felt renewed interest. It seemed less of a struggle to get what I want which felt good – so I’m continuing on. Surprisingly I’ve shot a lot of material so far – 2000 source images – so lots of material to work with.
Nothing new to report this week except the same old neuroses. Finally had the kind of day I dream of having every day. Relaxed but effective and creative. No panic at any point. No crushing deadlines. No feelings of impending doom and narrow escape from complete disaster. Its been a while since I’ve felt this much in control of my life and able to casually choose my next move(s).
I’m not sure if its an addiction or an inability on my part to reach an effective organized state or – what I hope – just too much, too fast, for normal human consumption. Whatever it is, I’m enjoying a respite and an opportunity to think through some difficult problems and even test out some possible solutions. It’s pleasant to work on something creative without a gun to my head for once. I like to think of this mode of being as breathtaking blue.
A mental picture of breathtaking blue – deep blue sky, warm air, gentle breeze, fresh smells, shade, water, sounds, comfort, content, interested, absorbed attention, thoughtful, mindful – nothing wrong with the world and a clear future ahead of me. No pressure. As I said at the beginning of this blog – this is my aim – the place I want to be.