Tag: new

  • Surfacing


    Convergent series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, green, blue, muted, wedges, pattern
    Spring Flood, 2015 – Convergent :: (click to see more)

    Attached my camera to my new bike and thus ended the shooting hiatus.
    Back to gathering new material for convergent.

  • Racing Mind

    Racing Mind

    Light Signatures series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, green, blue, muted, swirls, pattern
    Storm Tendrils, 2014 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)
  • Uplift


    Light Signatures series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, red, green, yellow, orange, muted, streaks, pastels, pattern
    Pastel Glissando, 2014 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)

    You know, I think I’m ready to get out and shoot some new material – finally.

    Looking at the Light Signatures source material today, house keeping files stored in the wrong place and discovering missing material on my camera, I realized – yep, it’s time. Maybe even time to re-evaluate what the city means to me.

    I was mulling that over on my ride home yesterday – trying to envision something, anything. But nothing yet. Although, I’m still enchanted with the idea of layering and juxtaposing elements somehow and encasing the whole menagerie in a block of resin like some prehistoric insect in amber. And catching sight today of an earlier experiment, stitching and blocking city images as an abstracting layer, I realized I still want to explore that too.

    But neither of these thoughts are fully developed – no idea how I’m going to pull them off. It’s time to get back out and start looking with fresh eyes for new material that will fit so I can figure out how they’re going to look.

    I guess that means I’m mostly done with Light Signatures. Hmmm. Sad in a way – but uplifting too. Exciting times – new ideas, new possibilities. We shall see where this goes.

  • Highs and Lows

    Highs and Lows

    Light Signatures series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, tan, yellow, blue, muted
    Turquoise Yellow Red Billowing Veil, 2013 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)

    When we’re very young every single day is an entire universe of experience. We cry when it’s time to sleep – perhaps because we don’t want it to end. In time we forget the joy of seeing the world anew each day. We “learn” to plan ahead, think of our future – and in so doing we shift our focus away from each day and the joy we used to feel afresh on each wakening. Life becomes routine.

    It’s time we find a balance so we still feel the joy of each new day – the fresh possibility – the exciting potential – and yet still act responsibly. I’m not just touting joyful BS – seriously – once you lose perspective and shift to the extreme you miss the nuance of life. Everything becomes mashed together into an unchanging pastel blur.

    It’s the highs and lows of life that make it so worth the effort to live. Relish them all.