After speaking with my nephew about photography and art the other day, I had a fresh realization that there is a great deal behind what I’m doing – that there’s a considerable amount of thought in my execution. Perhaps not so much conscious thought when I’m doing and making and choosing but definitely something sub-conscious that’s been fed by careful prior consideration.
Its heartening to remember this. At times I begin to feel fake, like I’m just guessing at the answer or grasping at straws. But then when I see all the work together in its entirety, its like I’ve just come out of a deep dark wood and I can see the horizon again.
It’s also interesting to see the progression that’s occurring. It’s clear that my ideas about what I’m doing are evolving and changing slightly – becoming clearer and more lively. I’m going to have to go back and revisit some of the earlier pieces and reinterpret them – at least a little.