Tag: rhythm

  • Intersection


    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, blue, orange, green, vibrant
    Unnamed Twenty Two, 2017 — Sidelong :: (click to see more)

    I’ve been contemplating my next project for a while now. It’s a long anxious process, but this morning while observing an intersection on Dundas west – the same one I’ve been seeing weekly for two months, I began to consider intersections as a potential point of interest. More activity occurs at an intersection than elsewhere on a street. There’s an interesting pattern, a rhythm to intersections that might be revealing.

    It’s reminded me of past intersection observations I’ve made and now I’m considering the possibilities.

  • Rhythm


    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, green, orange, blue, vibrant
    Unnamed Twenty One, 2017 — Sidelong :: (click to see more)

    Wait a sec – I’m not interested in the intersection of time and rhythm, like I said last week – it’s just rhythm.

    Time is a factor of rhythm not a separate element – so are cycles, so is movement, so is pattern. This is why music is so strongly linked. It’s full of pattern and rhythm – on all levels, music is entirely comprised of rhythm.

    I do think time is fascinating but it’s an element of my main interest. However, rhythm couldn’t properly exist outside the framework of time – without the expression of time rhythm becomes pattern.

    And Alignment is rhythm too – on a different scale… perhaps.
    What an A-HA! moment.

  • Why Do Dey

    Why Do Dey

    Light Signatures series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, green, muted, streaks, patterns
    Green Streaks Roadside, 2012 – Light Signatures :: (Click to see more)

    When I was a little kid the most important question to me was Why? “Why do dey” is what I used to ask says my grandmother – I think I was 3 years old. Still, WHY has stuck with me my entire life. WHY is the central precept of my life and continues to inform just about everything I do, particularly creatively.

    I remember as a kid sitting in the back seat while we drove somewhere through the Ontario countryside on a sunny morning – probably to go camping. I was watching the telephone wires at the side of the road undulating in smooth rhythm between the poles. The trees in the far distance seeming to never change while the farm fields up close were a blur.

    Right beside this memory is another – this one a school trip to Toronto. I grew up in Guelph about an hour’s drive from Toronto. We were on a school bus of and I was sitting by the window so I could see the gravel shoulder along the edge of the highway. I was staring down in a daze watching as the lines from innumerable tire tracks snaked, twined and writhed in the soft gravel as we drove.

    I’ve had similar experiences riding in trains watching tracks beside the train twisting and twining as they separate and combine. Sometimes this happens with tire tracks in fresh snow

    These experiences and my strongly inquisitive nature have brought me here, now – photographing movement and emotion in my urban home. It seems those snaking moving lines in the gravel, the rhythmic telephone wires, motion blurred fields and twining tracks imprinted on my young impressionable mind in such a poignant way that I am still pursuing them today. And of course WHY over arches all of this.

    Why is this important to me?
    Why am I doing this?
    Why am I here?