Tag: roll

  • Big Time

    Big Time

    Convergent series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, red, blue, yellow, vibrant, wedge, shape
    Ball Lightning, 2016 — Convergent :: (click to see more)

    At long last I’m actually ready to pour the resin. Everything is levelled out so the resin will flow evenly. Got a way to clamp the form closed and another way to seal up the seams so resin doesn’t drain out the cracks plus another way to roll out the print layers so bubbles don’t get trapped underneath. Hopefully the form is sufficiently slippery that it releases from the hardened resin. That would wreck everything if it doesn’t.

    Crossing my fingers – big time.

    Mould Building #6
    Mould Building #7