Tag: separate

  • To Print or Not To Print

    To Print or Not To Print

    Convergent series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, blue, red, green, vibrant, wedge, shape
    Coriolis Force, 2106 — Convergent :: (click to see more)

    Facemounting works!
    Time to order more resin so I can pour uninterrupted – here we go!

    Been thinking about my process in general and whether or not I should be making prints of my images as I go. I tend not to for lots of reasons but then again there is a visceral feeling you only get when you gaze upon the object. On the one hand I don’t want to clutter my mind on the other I wonder if it would give needed creative feedback. At the moment I’ve separated the printing production process from the image production process – in a way I did that to avoid the emotional conflict that occurs when I’m in the thick of things. It interrupts the flow/my thoughts – diverts me down into minutiae – distracts me from the process of imagining.

    I’m sticking to my method.

    Mould Building #22
  • Singing Into The Void

    Singing Into The Void

    Light Signatures series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, red, green, muted, striated, streaks, swoops, patterns
    Red Vascular Muscle and Sinew, 2013 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)

    At times like these I feel I’m singing out into the great gaping void of the universe. Casting my thoughts and ideas out into the nothingness. I sat in the garden outside my studio this morning listening to the sounds of the city breathing and waking as it often does in the mornings and I could hear some birds singing away in the trees above me. As I sit here now working on this image listening to Daft Punk’s new album I feel a tremendous poignant sadness.

    We are all self contained islands, each driven to connect with one another right from birth. This separateness is the well from which we project great beauty out into the void. Ironically, it’s also the source of much pain. It’s the essence of our humanness and the singular source from which our great strengths and great weaknesses arise.

    I’m compelled to cast my efforts outward not horde them quietly away. I thought I was doing this in the hope that someone else would hear them and feel the same way but that doesn’t feel right. I’m doing this for the same reason I breathe – I need to, to stay alive. I’m doing this for the same reason a bird sings in the trees – it’s part of who I am.