Tag: shape

  • Clear Skies

    Clear Skies

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • Inverted Tornado

    Inverted Tornado

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • Lightning Strike

    Lightning Strike

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • Hot Anvil Head Cloud

    Hot Anvil Head Cloud

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • Hot Haze

    Hot Haze

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • Distant Weather

    Distant Weather

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • Cold Front

    Cold Front

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10

  • The Shape

    The Shape

    Light Signatures series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, yellow ,muted, division, pattern
    Sun Shadow, 2014 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)

    I tried another idea today and explored some variations in an attempt to present the shape of the city. I don’t think this is it – not quite yet at least. It’s an elusive feeling I’m reaching for. I want to present a sense of shape that is inclusive of all the city’s elements – not just the static structures but also the dynamic moving and mobile parts. So far though I don’t think this idea is enough.

    I’m sure you’re thinking – well lets see these ideas you keep speaking of. But they would be a disappointment at this stage. They are mostly rough, unfinished concepts only – ugly and more exercises in technique than actual realized ideas – practice pieces not the finished performance.

    In the meantime, here is another of the final few images I’ve finished for Light Signatures.

  • Shape And Experience

    Shape And Experience

    Light Signatures series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, red, blue, yellow, muted, streaks, pattern
    Satin Refraction, 2014 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)

    There is a dynamic balance in a city – one that’s in constant flux. From one day or season to the next the geometry is changing – coupled with the constant movement of objects within and you have an ever changing panoply of material to experience

    These images ponder the shape of the city and how best to portray it. Not just the geometry of the space but the passage through it – a combination of the shape and the experience of it. The emotion of interacting and living within it.


  • The Shape

    The Shape

    Light Signatures series, day, colour photograph, art, abstract, abstract expressionism, creative, city street, urban, downtown, cityscape, speed, blur, movement, motion, yellow, blue, muted, streaks, layers, pattern
    Cold Ground Warm Horizon, 2014 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)

    In a recent conversation I made an off hand comment about the shape of the city, then immediately realized how important the shape of the city really is to me. (Funny how the really important stuff comes out of your sub-conscious when you least expect it).

    In pondering the shape and how best to portray it – it’s not just the static Euclidean geometry of the space but the passage through it that matters to me. Some combination of the shape and the experience of it. If I could I would include the tactile and aural elements too – but for now I’ll stick with the part I’m most familiar with – the visual.

    I’ve been considering some kind of continuous moving collage of blurred elements but not just linear smears. There have to be irregular elements that emerge at random from pauses in the viewing or moments of interest that dominate the view.

    Scale of the perspective is important too – I think something slightly smaller than adult size – say how the scale of the city would appear to a small child. Everything is larger to a kid – distances are greater, time is longer. There is grandeur inherent in our youthful gaze – a fresh newness resulting from our innocence. What are these mysterious and wonderful things we see all around us.

    This is what I seek in the shape of the city.

  • Photograph As Document

    There seems to be a move back to photography as a document. Perhaps this is a backlash or result of the artifice or rather, the perceived artifice that digital photography and programs like Photoshop can achieve. The odd thing about this (mis)perception is the ready consumption of artificial imagery in advertising and popular media like films. I’m pretty certain the majority of people are completely unaware of just how artificial all the marketing imagery is that they daily consume.

    So in photo art we have this extreme opposite trend toward pallid, dry, off colour, dystopic presentations of reality that make me think of the 60’s ektachromes from my family’s photo archive. Alright, I guess. Interesting in their own right, I suppose. But I don’t see them breaking any new ground. And yesss, that’s what I’m trying to do – break new ground. I’m not interested in re-doing something that has already been done.

    I’m interested in connecting with the emotion of living – getting to the root of what it feels like in this moment or that moment – in this place or in that place. Presenting that in it’s most raw, uncluttered, elemental form through shapes, colours, sounds, movement – the fundamental symbology of our human existence.

    Really I think this is what all photography is striving for at its heart (even all art really) – just using different methodologies. My method currently involves abstraction. The funny thing is I never intended this – never intended to make abstract images. It just kind of happened when I began to think of things – when I began to look for ways to simplify the images – when I began to investigate ways to connect my images to the emotional response of what I was seeing, it just spontaneously emerged.

    Its all about the feeling – isn’t that what all art is about? what all creative expression is about?
    How it feels?
    How it makes you feel?

  • Sinew Hand Clear Water Green Tile

    Sinew Hand Clear Water Green Tile

    Archival Pigment Print

    40″ x 60″

    edition of 10