Unnamed Forty Seven — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)
Just had a great conversation with another artist and in it mentioned the idea of self erected barriers. I confess, I am the king of barriers – if there is such a thing as a kingdom for this behavior. I too readily erect internal barriers to justify not moving forward with something.
Like right now I’m stalling on shopping my work out to galleries – I’m struggling with it out of some kind of misplaced fear. I’ll overcome it, I have to – but at the moment I’m still stuck and no one else can do this for me. It’s an internal struggle I have to conquer for myself.
Sky and Field, 2014 – Light Signatures :: (click to see more)
I’m struggling. I’m at the end of Light Signatures and trying to work out what my next project will be about. I’ve had some ideas and done some tests – but, they’re not working. I’m not happy with the results. Too cliche, not possible the way I’d imagined or just too difficult and cumbersome to execute.
I’m sure you can tell from my lack of words these past weeks, how stuck I’m feeling. That too is cliche though – the blocked creative. Argh.
Well on the bright side I’ve been out shooting at least.
Wish me luck.
Turquoise Transit Orange 2012 – Light Signatures :: (Click to see more)
Hokay, so I finally worked on an image for this post. It did feel good and frivolous but man it was kind of like pulling teeth from a chicken – strange thing to say I know but I’m sure I’ve heard this phrase somewhere before and no it didn’t spring fresh from my fertile imagination. All this while the good tunes were cranked and pumping. Clearly I need to produce more – get my skills flowing smoothly and my mind springing lightly from rock to rock, dancing across the babbling brook of my sensoria. Mmmm I miss that calm connected feeling of don’t-care.
On another note, I’m noticing a pattern to the acceptance of my images. Light Signatures will be my third body of work about the emotion of living and it seems to be getting the same cool reception that my earlier work first received. Its been a good ten years since that first body was produced and five years since the second and lately those two bodies of work are experiencing a surge of interest. I’m not sure what this is about or why, but as long as interest in my work continues to grow, I guess I’m okay with it.
I always find it kind of depressing when I put myself out there only to receive a cool reception. For once it would be nice to plug right in to the zeitgeist without the long buildup. In my dark moments I wonder if I’m missing something.