Tag: Wassily Kandinsky

  • Motivation


    abstract expressionism, city street, urban, movement, motion, green, brown, blue, vibrant
    Unnamed Thirty Two — Sidelong :: (click image to see more)

    I recently read some advice – sort of, from 5 different artists. Sort of, as in not all of them were necessarily spoken by the artist but perhaps gleaned from their work and statements. Reading the lessons made me happy and calm. They’re mostly things that I already think and do. Which means I’m on the right track – what a relief.

    Things like – don’t copy others, embrace discomfort and always push yourself, understand your materials, dig deep, hungrily and closely observe the world around you, organization is key to productivity, don’t sweat mistakes – learn from them, pay no attention to trends – be yourself, express your inner world, inject rhythm into your painting – like a musical score and my favorite – by creating original work you will further the cause of humanity.

    These are lessons from artists Andy Goldsworthy, Georgia O’Keeffe, Wassily Kandinsky and others – so they’re relevant.